Definition of
Hallucinations are disturbances of perception (perception) senses the absence of external stimuli which may include all sensing system which occurs when the individual's awareness of the full / well (Stuart & Sundenn, 1998). Hallucinations are perceptions in the absence of any stimulation of the five senses in a patient that occurs in a state of conscious / awake. (Maramis, p 119) Hallucinations are perceptual disturbances (absorption) in the absence of sensory stimuli from the outside of the patient in the waking state.
Signs and symptoms:
Talk, smile and laugh yourself
Withdrawn and shy away from others
Can not distinguish between real and unreal situation
Can not concentrate
Suspicious, hostile, destructive (self, others and the environment), fear
Facial expressions tense, irritable
Causes of Hallucinations
One of the causes of sensory perceptual changes: hallucinations that social isolation: withdrawal. Withdrew an attempt to avoid interaction with others, avoid contact with others (Rawlins, 1993).
Problems of nursing
The risk of injuring yourself, others and the environment
Sensory perceptual changes: hallucination
Social isolation: withdrawal
Nursing Diagnosis
1. The risk of injuring yourself, others and the environment associated with changes in sensory perceptual: hallucinations.
2. Sensory perceptual changes: hallucinations associated with withdrawal.
Nursing Action Plan
Diagnosis 1: The risk of injuring themselves, others and the environment associated with the change in sensory perceptual: hallucinations.
General purpose: the client does not injure yourself, others and the environment.
Specific objectives:
1. Clients can build a trusting relationship.
Regards therapeutic - self-introduction - explain purpose - creating a quiet environment - make clear contract (time, place, topic).
Give a chance to express feelings.
Invite talking about things in the environment.
1. Clients can recognize hallucination.
1. Frequent contact and brief.
2. Observations of behavior associated with hallucinations (verbal and nonverbal).
3. Bantu know hallucinations by asking if there is an audible sound and what the noise was. Say that the nurse believes the client to hear the voice, but not nurses. Tell the nurse will help.
4. Discussion of situations that cause hallucinations, time, frequency of occurrence of hallucinations and what is felt during hallucinations.
5. Encouraged to express feelings during hallucinations.
3. Clients can control his hallucinations.
1. Identification with how action if t erjadi hallucinations.
2. Discuss the benefits and the ways in which clients new ways to control his hallucinations.
3. Bantu select and train dis hallucinations: talk with others when appearing hallucinations, operate, said the vote was "I do not want to hear."
4. Ask outcome measures have been / done.
5. Give a chance to do the way that you have chosen and give praise if successful.
6. Involve clients in TAK: perceptual stimulation.
4. The clients can support a family.
1. Give health education on family meeting about the symptoms, how to, cut hallucinations, how to care, follow-up time information or when to get help.
2. Give positive reinforcement for participating families.
5. Clients can use the drug properly.
1. Discuss about the dosage, the name, frequency, effects and side effects of medication.
2. Bantu using drugs with the principles of a true 5 (patient name, medication, dose, method, time).
3. Encourage talking about the effects and side effects of the drug are felt.
4. Give positive reinforcement client taking the correct medication.
Diagnosis 2: Changes in sensory perceptual: hallucinations associated with withdrawal.
General Purpose: Clients can connect with others in an optimal
Specific Objectives:
1. Clients can build a trusting relationship
Rationale: The relationship of mutual trust is the basis for the subsequent smooth interaction
1. Construct a trusting relationship with the principles of communication terapetutik
1. greet clients with a friendly verbal and non-verbal
2. Introduce yourself politely
3. Ask the client's full name and nickname favored clients
4. Explain the purpose of the meeting
5. Honest and keep promise
6. Show empathy and accept what the client
7. Pay attention to the basic needs of the client and the client's notice.
2. Clients can identify the capabilities and positive aspects held
· Discuss the client's level of ability as judge of reality, self-control or ego integrity are treated as basic nursing care.
· Positive reinforcement will increase the client's self-esteem
· Praise realistic client activity does not cause just to get praise
2.1. Discuss capabilities and positive aspects of client owned
2.2. Every meeting with clients avoid from giving a negative assessment
2.3. Polar provides a realistic compliment
3. Clients used to assess the ability of
· Openness and understanding of the capabilities is a prerequisite for change.
· Understanding of the capabilities of self-motivated to maintain their use
1. Discuss with the client's abilities can still be used during illness
2. Discuss ability to continue its use.
4. Clients can (set) to plan activities according to the capabilities of the
· Establish individual is responsible for his own
· Clients need to act realistically in life.
· Examples of roles are seen clients will motivate clients to implement activities
1. Plan with client activities to do each day according to ability
· Activity independent
· Activities with the help of some of
· Activities that require total assistance
2.Tingkatkan activities according to the tolerance of the client's condition
3.Beri example of how the implementation of a client should do
5. Clients can perform activities according to the condition of pain and ability
§ Provide an opportunity for the client to increase motivation and self-esteem client
§ Positive reinforcement can improve self esteem clients
§ Provide opportunities for clients NTK keep doing the activities that can be done
5.1. Give the client a chance to try activities that have been planned
5.2. Give credit for the success of the client
5.3. Discuss the possibility of implementation in the home
6. Clients can take advantage of existing support systems
· Encourage the family to be able to independently care for clients at home
· Support the family system will be very influential in accelerating the healing process of the client.
· Increasing the role of the family in caring for clients at home.
6.1 Give health education to families about how to care for clients with low self esteem
6.2.Bantu families provide support for clients treated
6.3. Bantu family environment in the home setting
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Psychiatric Nursing Care
» Hallucinations
Posted by Perpustakaan Indonesia on Tuesday, March 5, 2013
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Psychiatric Nursing Care
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