The word comes from the Arabic nutrition "Al Ghidza", which means food and benefits for food. Al Gizzai also means nutrients that are beneficial to health (MOH, 2003).
For life and improve quality of life, everyone needs 5 groups of nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats, and minerals) in an amount sufficient, not excessive and also disadvantages. In addition, humans need water and fiber to facilitate a variety of physiologic processes in the body. When the nutrients are described in more detail, there are more than 45 kinds of nutrients.
Naturally, the nutrient composition of each type of food has certain advantages and disadvantages. Some foods contain high levels of carbohydrates but less vitamins and minerals. While some other foods rich in vitamin C but less vitamin A. If the daily food consumption is less diverse, then there will be an imbalance between the inputs and the necessity of nutrients necessary for a healthy and productive life. By eating everyday foods as diverse, lack of nutrients in the foods that will be completed by the excellence of the arrangement of other types of food nutrients, in order to obtain a balanced nutrient inputs.
So, to achieve a balanced input of nutrients may not be met by only one type of food, it should consist of a variety of foodstuffs (MOH, 2003).
Function Substance Nutrition
Nutrient or food substance, is the basic ingredient of food preparation. According Sediaoetama (1987) in the book and Ranti Santoso (2004) there are five functions of nutrients are:
1. Sources of energy or power. If this function is compromised, people become less active and less movement or feel tired.
2. Support the growth of the body, namely the addition of new cells to the existing cell.
3. Maintain body tissues, replacing a damaged or worn in use, which is the apparent change in the cell body, the occurrence of wound tissue wound closure.
4. Regulate metabolism and balance in various body fluids (water balance, acid-base, and mineral)
5. Role in the body's defense mechanisms against various diseases as antioxidants and other antibodies.
Causes of Nutritional Disorders in Adults
Behavior Change
Changes in behavior as a result of improved standard of living. Improvement of life level encourage behavioral change. The ease and comfort of life as a result of various technological advances have spurred changes in life habits that lead to greatly reduced physical activity so that the excess energy is stored as fat by the body.
Diet Changes
Changes in patterns of life as a result of improvement of the quality of life and advances in technology, have led to changes in diet and eating habits. For example, replacement of carbohydrates as an energy source by the use of fats and oils more.
The increase in income
The increase in income encourages people to choose higher quality foods. The selection of food began to shift toward the use of more foods that mengalamim pemurniaan processed (refined). The materials that have undergone purification often lose some of its nutritional content, especially fiber that is very much needed by the body (Moehji, 2003).
Gangguann Nutritional Prevention in Adults
1. Balancing energy and nutrient input in accordance with the necessities of life. To avoid the accumulation of energy in the form of fat reserves in the body, it must be maintained so that the amount of energy obtained from food balanced with the need body. Frequency of eating, the food eaten, the body must comply with the requirements.
2. Maintaining the balance of the various inputs of nutrients in food. A variety of nutrients in the body does not function independently of each other, but form a functional balance. Because of the excess or deficiency of one nutrient will affect the function and the need for other nutrients.
3. Limiting the consumption of processed foods. Advances in technology have resulted in food processing products such as processed foods. In addition to having a longer shelf life, practical, as well as color, flavor and texture better than natural foods (natural food).
Processed foods that have been experienced pemurniaan usually no longer an important substance that is fiber, which is a lot of benefit for the body.
4. Maintenance activities risk. Structuring behaviors related to food and eating habits must be accompanied by the maintenance of a balanced physical activity from day to day. Thus, if there is a surplus of energy that causes the excessive accumulation of fat reserves in the body can be prevented (Moehji, 2003).
Due Nutrition Less and More on Body Processes
Due Nutrition Less
Due to lack of nutrition in the body depends on what nutrients are lacking. General malnutrition (lack of food in quantity and quality) cause disruption to the process:
1. Power Production
Lack of energy from food, causing shortages somebody to move, work and activities. People become lazy, feel weak, and decreased work productivity.
2. Body Defence
Resistance to pressure or stress decreases. Immune system and antibodies is reduced, so that people prone to infections such as colds, cough, and diarrhea. In children this can bring death.
3. Brain Structure and Function
Poor nutrition early in life can affect mental development, thus the ability to think. The brain reaches maximum shape at age 22. Nutritional deficiencies can result in disruption of brain function permanently.
4. Behavior
Both children and adults who were malnourished shows calm behavior. They are irritable, whiny and apathetic.
Due Nutrition More
Nutrition causes obesity. Excess consumption of energy stored in the form of fat tissue. Obesity is a risk factor in the onset of various diseases degenaratif, such as hypertension or high blood pressure, diseases of diabetes, coronary heart disease, liver and gall bladder (Almatsier, 2006).
13 Messages Basic Balanced Nutrition
Efforts to address the problem of multiple nutrients, namely poor nutrition and over nutrition, eating is a habit of everyday dishes with a balanced composition of nutrients. For this purpose, there are 13 Basic Balanced Nutrition Book by MOH, 2003, are as follows:
1. Eat a variety of foods
None of the foods that contain all the nutrients, which allows a person to live a healthy, productive growth. Therefore, everyone needs to eat a variety of foods.
Diverse eating food are beneficial to health. Diverse foods are foods that contain elements of the nutrients the body needs both quality and quantity, in a lesson called Triguna nutrition food that contains energy, builder substances and regulating substances. One deficiency of certain nutrients on one type of food, will be provided by the same nutrients from other foods. So eating foods that will guarantee the adequacy of the diverse sources of energy substances, builder substances and regulating substances.
2. Eat food to meet energy sufficiency
Everyone is encouraged eating food that contains enough energy to live and carry out daily activities, such as work, study, exercise, recreation, social events and other activities. Energy requirements can be met by eating carbohydrates, protein and fat. Adequacy of energy for a person characterized by normal weight.
Prolonged energy shortages in person will result in weight loss and other nutritional deficiencies. Continued weight loss will lead to a state of malnutrition.
3. Eat a carbohydrate source, half of the energy needs
There are two groups of carbohydrates, namely complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. Food sources of complex carbohydrates are whole grains (rice, corn, wheat), tubers (cassava, sweet potato potatoes), and other foods such as flour, sago and bananas. As for sugar, a simple carbohydrate, contains no other nutrients.
The process of digestion and absorption of complex carbohydrates in the body lasts longer than simple carbohydrates. Thus, by eating complex carbohydrates, people do not immediately hungry. While sugar or simple carbohydrates can be absorbed and used directly as an energy body, so quickly lead to hunger.
4. Limit your intake of fats and oils to a quarter of the energy adequacy
Fats and oils contained in the diet to increase the amount of useful energy, helps the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K, as well as add a delicious dish.
The composition of the recommended fat intake: 2 portions of foods containing vegetable sources of fat and 1 part containing animal fat sources.
5. Use iodized salt
Iodized salt is salt fortified with KIO3 (potassium iodate) of 30-80 ppm. As per Presidential Decree. 69 years, 1994, all outstanding salt should contain iodine. This relates to prevent Iodine Deficiency Disorders Due (IDD). IDD is a serious nutritional problem because it can cause goiter and cretins.
6. Eat food sources of iron
Iron is an essential element in the formation of red blood cells. Iron is naturally derived from food. Iron deficiency in the daily diet can lead to sustainable nutritional anemia known as disease or anemia.
7. Give the baby only breast milk until the age of 6 months and add complementary feeding thereafter
Breastmilk is the best food for babies. None of the other foods that can replace breast milk, because milk has advantages which include three aspects, namely: Aspects of nutrition, immunity and aspects of psychological aspects, form the fabric of affection that are important for mental development and intelligence of children.
8. Make a habit of eating breakfast
Eating breakfast in the morning or very beneficial for everyone. For adults, eating breakfast can maintain physical fitness, endurance while working to maintain and improve labor productivity. The habit of eating breakfast also helps a person to meet the daily nutritional adequacy. Someone who did not eat breakfast at risk of suffering from health problems such as decreased blood sugar levels with signs include: weakness, cold sweat, decreased consciousness and even fainting.
9. Drink safe water and sufficient amount.
Drinking water should be clean and safe from germs. To get should boil first. The function of water in the body is: launch transport nutrients in the body, lowering the balance of fluids and mineral salts in the body, regulate body temperature, staged in the large and small bowel. For adults, it is recommended to drink 2 liters or eight glasses a day to prevent dehydration and reduce the risk of kidney stones.
10. Perform regular physical activity
Physical activity is beneficial for everyone. Because it can increase fitness, preventing excess weight, improve heart function, lung and muscle and slow down the aging process.
11. Avoid alcoholic beverages
Alcohol contains only energy, but does not contain other nutrients. The habit of drinking alcoholic beverages can lead to: delays in the absorption of nutrients, loss of nutrients is important, even if the person is eating nutritious food in sufficient quantity, malnutrition, diseases of liver, brain and nerve damage.
12. Eat foods that are safe for health
Safe food is a food that is free from germs and harmful chemicals, and not contrary to the faith community.
13. Read on packaged food labels
Packaged food labels is a description of the content, type and size of materials used, nutrient composition, expiration date, and other important information. It helps consumers when choosing and buying food, as appropriate nutrition and state of health of consumers.
Al Ghidza
Posted by Perpustakaan Indonesia on Tuesday, March 5, 2013
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