A. Planning
Planning or planning an election or setting organizational goals and policy strategy determination procedures program project budget system methods and standards needed to achieve goals.
B. Organizing
Organizing or organizing these include:
1. Determination of resources-resources and activities required to achieve organizational goals.
2. The design and development of an organization or group that will work to bring these things to the destination.
3. Assignment of specific responsibilities
4. Delegation of authority necessary to individuals to carry out their duties.
C. Staffing
Staffing is a drawing or drafting personnel (recruitment) training and development as well as the placement and orientation of the provision of employee benefits in the work environment and productive.
D. Leading
Leading or directing function is how to make or get the employees do what they want and they have to do.
E. Controlling
Controlling or monitoring is the discovery and application of ways and means to ensure that the plan For implemented in accordance with a predetermined.
Daft (2003:6) divides into four management functions only the following explanation:
A. Planning is a management function with respect to defining goals for future organizational performance and to determine the tasks and resources-resources that are needed to meet those goals.
B. Organizing is a management function with respect to the assignment of grouping tasks into departments, and allocating resources to departments.
C. Leading management functions with respect to how to use influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals.
D. Controlling management functions relating to the supervision of the activities of the organization in order to keep employees remain on track with the goals and make corrections if necessary.
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