Lose Weight. Ok, we immediately wrote to the discussion.
1. runWalking is the best way to lose weight because it increases your metabolism and blood circulation. Take a walk in the park can help lower cholesterol, blood pressure and reduce the risk of poor diabetes type 2.
2. aerobic
This sport is very effective in burning large amounts of calories in one session. Regular aerobic exercise combined with a healthy diet can help you from the problem of overweight.
3. anaerobic
Anaerobic olahrga like running or weight training. Muscle activity with high intensity in a short time can help maintain muscle mass.
The more lean muscle mass you are, the higher your metabolism, which in turn will burn more calories in the body and helps maintain a healthy weight.
4. bicycle
Cycling is quite beneficial in weight loss. When you do it regularly, this exercise can help burn extra fat.
5. swim
Swimming is also very influential in burning extra fat in our bodies, Perform routine then you no need to worry about the extra fat in your body
6. Household Activity
In addition to the above five sports, doing household chores such as dusting or washing is another good way to burn extra fat.
Bending and clean the floors or washing clothes to help tighten your thighs and improve flexibility, whereas if you keep walking up and down stairs also includes a good aerobic workout.
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